My Canada – Controlling Illegal Items Crimes

I would immediately institute a number of changes to the criminal code.

Illegal substances (automatic 3 year sentence with mandatory detox program)

  • Fentanyl (additional 5 years of prison for each oz)
  • Cocaine and Crack (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Methamphetamines (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Bath Salts (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • GHB (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Ketamine (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Magic Mushrooms (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • PCP (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Codeine (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Benzodiazepines(additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Heroin (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • LSD (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • MDMA (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Opioids (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Salvia (additional year of prison for each oz)

Illegal items (automatic 10 year sentence)

  • possession of a firearm without a license (additional 5 years for each additional firearm)
  • possession of ammunition without a license (additional month per each round of ammunition under 7.62 caliber, additional 6 months per round of ammunition over 7.62 caliber)
  • possession of explosives without a license
  • possession of tasers, brass knuckles, pepper spray
  • possession of certain knives
    • Any knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity, by centrifugal force, or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife (butterfly knives, switchblades, etc.)

Illegal persons (automatic 10 year sentence)

  • any person that was not born in Canada
    • AND
      • is a member of a designated terrorist organization
    • OR
      • does not possess a 90 day temporary visitation pass
      • does not possess a valid immigration passport (to be reviewed every 2 years)
      • has overstayed a visa
      • has entered the country of Canada without authorization
      • has committed a serious offence
        • convicted of a criminal action
        • convicted of anti-Canadian activity including
          • coercion
          • political meddling
          • spying
          • burning of Canadian flags
      • has been trafficked
        • in the event of a trafficked illegal person, a Canadian repatriation team will return that trafficked person to their country of origin.


Deliberately smuggling Illegal Substances, Illegal Items, or Illegal Persons across the border of the country of Canada would result in an immediate, and mandatory 10 year prison sentence with additional time added per infraction.

Last Updated 02/24/2025

My Canada – Revamping Canada’s Defence

I would immediately reach out to Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and collaborate on building at least 25 new cutting edge vessels (5 large vessels, 20 medium) for Canada, specially designed and built for patrol and enforcement of the Canadian Arctic.

Furthermore I would establish the UANP (Unified Arctic Nation Patrol), working with other Arctic partners aside from the US to patrol the Arctic.

Visby-class corvette - Wikipedia

I would immediately cancel all F35 orders, moving to immediately purchase a mixture of Typhoon and Rafale aircraft from european allies.

The Eurofighter Typhoon Europe's Leading Multi-Role Combat Aircraft – AVI-8  Timepieces

Bombardier would be immediately engaged to build a batch of customized drone aircraft based on an already existing jet platform, optimized for range. This platform would be optionally manned, helping to establish a future fully automated system of monitoring and patrol of the north.

ISR & AEW | Bombardier Defense

To support our existing army, I would also create a larger militia in Canada. Anyone born in Canada could participate in 2-3 weeks of training per year, with the focus being on small arms training, marksmanship, and communications.

Army leverages innovative industry partnerships for next-gen SATCOM  capabilities | Article | The United States Army

As a reward for participating, all future education costs for citizens participating in this program would be covered. Hunting licenses, firearms licenses, and the ability to support police officers would also be key benefits to participation in the program.

Last updated 02/04/2025

Wait…being removed from the garden of Eden might actually have been the bigger blessing?

Genesis 3:22-23

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

I’ve been struggling lately with my faith. Not that I don’t believe in Christ, but knowing that my relationship with God hasn’t been what it should.

While cruising Instagram today I stumbled across this little gem that sparked my curiousity.

Item #1Behold, the man is become as one of us

I think this is the earliest reference to a 3 part God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), but also demonstrates the collaboration of the 3?

Item #2 – Was it a punishment? Or a blessing to be removed from the garden of eden?

I grew up believing that humanity was punished from Eden for eating from the tree of good an evil…but that might not actually be the main reason. Because we have free will and sinned, God was afraid that we might also eat from the tree of life, and thus live forever…

…and here is the mind blower.

If Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of life, humanity would forever live a hopeless unending existence, separated from God. Jesus as a human descendant of Adam and Eve couldn’t die on the cross, and our sins forgiven.

Right from the moment we sinned, God had a plan to redeem all of us.


I have no words…

At some point since 2019 our 2014 Honda Odyssey EX-L backup sensors just mysteriously stopped working for no apparent reason.

As a result of this, the van has had 3 rear end incidents as the result of backing the vehicle up (as the sensors no longer worked).

As I am prepping the van for a road trip this year, I thought just for the heck of it I would buy a new backup sensor switch…just in case that was the culprit.

10 second job to replace…and…nope!

I searched the internet for “honda odyssey 2014 parking sensor blinks” and this little gem popped up.



A Sense Belonging?

I have almost always worked for a company that I almost instantly fit into. I’ve been very fortunate with my workplace history. Despite being in IT and being profoundly private, I enjoy getting to know the people that I work with. I loved my boss, and my co-workers within the greater team, and even a bunch of people outside those work boundaries.

I was incredibly comfortable in my career, and had gone out of my way to learn the unique facets of the concrete industry (including Gypsum operations, RMX plants, and Aggregate pit operations). I even got to push the button and blow dirt up. I travelled around the world for my company…doing things that were uniquely me.

I assisted with safety audits throughout Canada, and the USA. I worked with and trained our after-hours support team in India (reducing incidents in a huge way). I travelled to Brazil, to make suggestions as to how to integrate their operations into our support package. I worked with the business teams, as well as the software vendors, ensuring that our quality applications were working as expected and were being developed to our specifications.

I was “the guy” that did anything and everything it took for the Quality teams.

I felt invulnerable…which is why it shook me to my very core when I was WFR’d (work force reduced).

After the announcement, they kept most of us busy training our replacements, and ensuring that the work we did would carry on. It was…profoundly difficult. I loved the work, and I have always enjoyed training people…it was great to do one last time, before I began the next phase of my career.

Because who knows what the future holds…right?

For me personally, the moment I stopped working, I felt a sense of urgency to provide for my family.

I began talking with a local employer that sounded promising. They were a Microsoft Service Provider, providing services to businesses in and around the area that I lived in. So I was quite pleased when they indicated that they were interested in working with me based on experience etc. While I had worked with AWS previously, they were heavily embedded with Microsoft and I was clear with them what I had, and had not done previously…but was eager to learn.

It was like going back to where I started…Which is when I learned a very important life lesson.

Just because you speak the same “nerdspeak” as others, doesn’t mean that you belong, or are part of the team.

I listened and learned what I wanted to learn. Ultimately it didn’t work out…while I had a cursory friendship with one of the guys, the reality is that I was twice their age, didn’t smoke, and generally didn’t fit in.

I was a puzzle piece that didn’t fit. I was…embarrassed, and incredibly frustrated.

Which is when I learned that a company that I had previously worked with as a vendor was actually looking for me specifically and wanted to chat. They had learned that I had been released, and were curious about whether or not I would be interested in working for them…

I was a puzzle piece that appeared to fit.

Two years in, I am more relaxed, working at home, with friends and colleagues. Only time will tell if I’m the right piece for this puzzle, but at the moment…it looks like I fit well, and the puzzle image is starting to appear.

So take my advice, if you feel like a puzzle piece that just doesn’t belong, perhaps you are just in the wrong puzzle.

Don’t worry provincial government, it’s not your fault.

The province recorded the lowest voter turnout in history during this 2022 provincial election, with roughly 44% of eligible voters casting a ballot.

Less than 50% bothered to get out and vote. What really bothers me though are the ridiculous comments about how one Provincial leader or another is going to cut healthcare and education, and it’s apparent that not everyone understands how it all works together.

Ontario healthcare and education is publicly funded by the Ontario taxpayer to the Province of Ontario.

What we generally fail to take into consideration is the impact of the other tier of government.

When the FEDERAL government financially drains the middle-class, the lower-class grows. This tranlates into two major compounding problems.

Problem #1, with less taxes being collected from the middle-class due to there being fewer of them, there are now less tax dollars to go into existing services like healthcare and education.

Problem #2, is that because the lower class has expanded, there is an increased demand for additional support services. These are generally non-profit serfvices, and as a result require tax funding….meaning less money for education and healthcare.

The future cuts to education and healthcare will be because of the federal government, not the provincial one.

We as a province need to be moving people into the middle class. This increases incoming tax dollars, and reduces stress on critical support services.

As long as the middle-class is targeted by the federal government it’s just a matter of time before the system fails. You don’t have critical support services if you don’t have a group of people footing the bill. Consider this the next time you vote.

Portainer Update (updated 08/28/2022)

After the last portainer update to 2.9.3, I noted that the documentation was manually pulling an older version of the software. It’s key to make sure that you are always downloading the LATEST version of portainer.

Step 1 update the linux distro

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2 – Stop Portainer container

sudo docker stop portainer

Step 3 – Remove the container

sudo docker rm portainer

Step 4 – pull the latest image

sudo docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Step 5 – Deploy the updated version of Portainer

sudo docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 -–name=portainer —restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest