My Canada – Controlling Illegal Items Crimes

I would immediately institute a number of changes to the criminal code.

Illegal substances (automatic 3 year sentence with mandatory detox program)

  • Fentanyl (additional 5 years of prison for each oz)
  • Cocaine and Crack (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Methamphetamines (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Bath Salts (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • GHB (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Ketamine (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Magic Mushrooms (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • PCP (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Codeine (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Benzodiazepines(additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Heroin (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • LSD (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • MDMA (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Opioids (additional year of prison for each oz)
  • Salvia (additional year of prison for each oz)

Illegal items (automatic 10 year sentence)

  • possession of a firearm without a license (additional 5 years for each additional firearm)
  • possession of ammunition without a license (additional month per each round of ammunition under 7.62 caliber, additional 6 months per round of ammunition over 7.62 caliber)
  • possession of explosives without a license
  • possession of tasers, brass knuckles, pepper spray
  • possession of certain knives
    • Any knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity, by centrifugal force, or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife (butterfly knives, switchblades, etc.)

Illegal persons (automatic 10 year sentence)

  • any person that was not born in Canada
    • AND
      • is a member of a designated terrorist organization
    • OR
      • does not possess a 90 day temporary visitation pass
      • does not possess a valid immigration passport (to be reviewed every 2 years)
      • has overstayed a visa
      • has entered the country of Canada without authorization
      • has committed a serious offence
        • convicted of a criminal action
        • convicted of anti-Canadian activity including
          • coercion
          • political meddling
          • spying
          • burning of Canadian flags
      • has been trafficked
        • in the event of a trafficked illegal person, a Canadian repatriation team will return that trafficked person to their country of origin.


Deliberately smuggling Illegal Substances, Illegal Items, or Illegal Persons across the border of the country of Canada would result in an immediate, and mandatory 10 year prison sentence with additional time added per infraction.

Last Updated 02/24/2025

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