We stepped up to a wireless mesh network at the house this weekend. We’ve been having a lot of weird wireless issues in the last week or so…so we updated our old Linksys routers to a new wireless mesh.
Switching wireless id’s wasn’t the end of the world…I thought it would be a bigger pain in the butt…but it’s really not that terrible. Most applications have a method to be able to switch the wireless network they connect to “fairly painlessly”. Even the Ring doorbell (which has 2 extra steps) wasn’t terrible.
I did want to try and figure out how to wirelessly scan and confirm which networks the pi’s were on as they serve a couple of purposes for us.
wgetid will show you the network the pi is connected to.
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | egrep “Cell|ESSID|Signal|Rates” will provide a quick wireless scan and show you the strength and rates available.